
The power generation sector is undergoing fundamental change, as renewable and low carbon technologies displace incumbent fossil-fuelled generation. With in-depth expertise across Europe's key energy markets, our specialist lawyers can help you navigate changing legislation and disruptive developments in technology. We draw on our experience with developers, landowners, investors, and financiers to provide industry-leading legal advice.
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The power generation sector is undergoing fundamental change, as renewable and low carbon technologies displace incumbent fossil-fuelled generation. With in-depth expertise across Europe's key energy markets, our specialist lawyers can help you navigate changing legislation and disruptive developments in technology. We draw on our experience with developers, landowners, investors, and financiers to provide industry-leading legal advice.


As we transition towards net zero, our highly experienced multi-jurisdictional team can provide you with both business as usual and innovative expert advice in electricity, gas and emerging networks. Drawing on our experience of acting for many of the major UK energy companies and network operators, we offer end to end support, including in the development and delivery of strategically important projects, the navigation of energy regulation and identifying opportunities to take advantage of market and legislative changes.
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As we transition towards net zero, our highly experienced multi-jurisdictional team can provide you with both business as usual and innovative expert advice in electricity, gas and emerging networks. Drawing on our experience of acting for many of the major UK energy companies and network operators, we offer end to end support, including in the development and delivery of strategically important projects, the navigation of energy regulation and identifying opportunities to take advantage of market and legislative changes.

The energy sector is changing and the focus is on opportunities associated with decarbonisation and the future energy system.

The shift towards a low-carbon economy necessitates substantial investment from both public and private sectors across a diverse array of technologies. Our dedicated energy team collaborates with investors, developers, and network operators to navigate this dynamic landscape and facilitate the transition to net zero.

We offer comprehensive support to our clients, addressing a wide range of energy transition and utilities matters. Our services include project development, financing, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and joint ventures. Additionally, we represent multinational clients in cross-border litigation, international arbitration, investigations, and risk mitigation.

Our expertise lies in energy innovation, where we assist clients in finding solutions to complex challenges. Our team delivers strategies that drive growth, mitigate risks, and support long-term success across various technologies. These include solar energy, battery storage, grid connection, onshore and offshore wind, carbon capture, green hydrogen, nuclear energy, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and digital infrastructure such as data centres.

Whether you are a new market disruptor, a traditional energy business, or a sophisticated prosumer, we can guide you through all the legal aspects of your energy transition journey.

Beim globalen Wandel hin zu nachhaltigen Energiequellen stehen wir Ihnen als erfahrene Partner in allen rechtlichen Fragen rund um die Energieerzeugung, wie Erneuerbare-Energien-Projekten (Wind, Solar, Biomasse), co-located and stand-alone Batteriespeicher sowie Wasserstoff, zur Seite.
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Energy Innovation
Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Rechtsberatung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Energie und Digitalisierung, zu neuen Technologien zur Energieerzeugung, -übertragung und -speicherung sowie innovativen Lösungen zur Reduktion des CO2-Fußabdrucks der Energiewirtschaft.
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Power and Utilities
In einer sich dynamisch entwickelnden Energiewirtschaft bieten wir Ihnen umfassende Rechtsberatung zu allen Aspekten der Energieversorgung. Unser erfahrenes Team steht Ihnen zur Seite, um komplexe regulatorische Anforderungen zu meistern, erfolgreiche Geschäftsstrategien zu entwickeln und innovative digitale Modelle umzusetzen.
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Abfall und Wasser
Unsere in den Bereichen „Abfall“ und „Wasser“ tätigen Experten unterstützen Mandanten bei den Herausforderungen und Chancen, die mit diesen regulierten Märkten einhergehen
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Most law firms look at e-mobility through a single lens. We recognise that understanding this industry requires a real knowledge of how areas such as mobility, energy and digital infrastructure, power management systems, software, data and payments solutions interact – and we're experts in all these.
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