One of the things that enables us to think differently is our culture. We have a great culture and, time and time again, it’s acknowledged as being outstanding. And what’s great about that is it brings and keeps the best people working for us – plus, it attracts innovative and approachable clients, who think like us. Our culture is fundamental to our success. So we cherish and protect it, we live by our values and reward the behaviours that support them. And our clients value this as much as our people. For us, stuffy stereotypes and fussy formality have been left in the past – where they belong. We push forward because we don’t have time for rigid hierarchies and inflated egos, but we make time for energy and ambition. And let’s not forget a big part of being the law firm of the future is reflecting the changing world around us. So we’re committed to welcoming diversity, promoting innovation and celebrating success.

Osborne Clarke For Good

Find out more about our work on diversity and inclusion – plus the pillars that support our corporate social responsibility initiative.

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IT-Recht & Datenschutz

Quick Bites: NIS-2 kommt – Wie können sich Unternehmen vorbereiten?

Die NIS-2-Richtlinie (EU 2022/2555, „NIS-2”) wird wesentliche Neuerungen in Bezug auf IT-Sicherheit für in der EU tätige Unternehmen bringen. Nach ihrem Inkrafttreten im Januar 2023 müssen die Mitgliedstaaten NIS-2 bis zum 17. Oktober 2024 in nationales Recht umsetzen. Unternehmen sollten nun prüfen, ob NIS-2 für sie gilt, um die verbleibende Zeit effizient zu nutzen und gegebenenfalls ihr Budget für Cybersicherheit zu erhöhen.
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