Webinar | Fashion & Luxury Law Academy

Trade marks guide – Best way to protect and enforce product names

Trade marks serve as a unique identifier for a fashion brand or product in order to establish brand awareness and recognition. Brand names, logos and slogans are typical trade marks, but sounds, smells, and even colors can function as trade marks as well. In the fashion industry it is very common to register the logo or name of the clothing line or the name of the designer.

Increasingly, trade mark legal issues, such as identical advertising, similar-sounding product names, and comparable goods and services could result in legal implications and proceedings. 

In this session, we will discuss with our experts from France, Germany, Poland and the UK:

  • The scope of the EU trade marks Regulation
  • Important cases that have recently occurred in each country
  • Legal pitfalls when using product names as brands
  • Possible strategies to avoid trade mark opposition and cancellation proceedings
  • What does a good brand mean in the fashion industry? 

We are happy to invite you to our Fashion & Luxury Law Academy to join our webinar for insights and discussion.

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10:00 - 11:00 CEST
09:00 - 10:00 GMT

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