PEOPLEAdvanced Search
Jorgo Tsiris

Partner, The Netherlands

María Montehermoso

Abogada, España

Johannes de Jong

Partner, The Netherlands

Alejandra Ilarza

Abogada, España

842 results

Sanctions and export control

Our export control team is built upon strong industry experience, having developed a clear understanding of market practice through our work with a range of clients on export compliance strategies. Our extensive experience liaising with the ECO and HMRC means that we know how the key UK export control regulators...


International planning regimes are complex, political and often do not align naturally with the needs of business. Regulation and procedures limit business opportunities in real estate development and infrastructure planning, and by control through environmental compliance. We advise on nationally important infrastructure projects, such as energy generation and strategic transport...

Real estate finance

Our Real Estate Finance team advises a range of participants in the market from the commercial banks to debt funds on the lending side to investors, developers and asset managers on the borrower side. We advise on all aspects of real estate lending on both a bilateral or syndicated basis...


Specialist advice for PPP/PFI arrangements and handbacks Public sector entities require procurements to be economic, expeditious and efficient; funders focus on preserving future income streams, while making sure that borrowers adopt sensible risk-transfer strategies; and the supply chain looks for contract revenue on reasonable commercial terms. Our lawyers understand all...
Bringing out the best in people

The working world has changed. We've changed with it, by evolving flexible and imaginative approaches to everyone's work/life needs.