Neue Technologien verändern die Autoindustrie wie kaum eine andere. Die Kombination unserer breiten Branchenexpertise mit unserem rechtlichen Know-how macht uns zum Berater der Wahl für alle Unternehmen, die von dieser Entwicklung profitieren wollen.
Defence, Security and Aerospace
Our Defence, Security and Aerospace team supports clients in supply chain management, regulatory and ethical compliance, and regulated and single source procurement law.
Most law firms look at e-mobility through a single lens. We recognise that understanding this industry requires a real knowledge of how areas such as mobility, energy and digital infrastructure, power management systems, software, data and payments solutions interact – and we're experts in all these.
New technologies and business models are driving change across the logistics industry. We act for clients across the supply chain and can help you take advantage of traditional logistics models and new trends such as drones, intelligent transport systems and new forms of last mile delivery.
Legal solutions for the mobility sector
The mobility sector is continuously evolving and organisations require business-driven legal solutions. Our lawyers help front runners in the industry make the most of the opportunities that come with change.

Energy and Energy Transition
Un paso más cerca de la movilidad sostenible en España
El Proyecto de Ley de Movilidad Sostenible inicia su tramitación parlamentaria por la vía de urgencia para que entre en...
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