Osborne Clarke advises Jumpgate AB on the acquisition of Nukklear GmbH

Published on 10th May 2023

Osborne Clarke has advised listed games publisher Jumpgate on the acquisition of Dune developer Nukklear. 

Founded in 2011, Jumpgate is an independent games group that includes Visby-based games studio Tableflip Entertainment and Hamburg-based Tivola Games and gameXcite. The group develops and publishes its own games and develops games and other digital products on behalf of external companies.

Nukklear is a leading German game developer. One of Nukklear's currently most known projects is its involvement in online role-playing game Dune, based on the science fiction classic “The Desert Planet“ by Frank Herbert.

Games M&A advice in series: Osborne Clarke with rich industry expertise

Recently, the Osborne Clarke team successfully advised on a whole series of M&A transactions in the games sector, including listed Swedish games company Thunderful Group on the takeover of games developer Studio Fizbin by Thunderful's German subsidiary Headup Games. The team has also advised Jumpgate in the past.

The Osborne Clarke team advising Jumpgate, led by Konstantin Ewald, consisted of Jonathan Platz (both Games/IP/IT), Nicolas Gabrysch, Dana Alpar, Victor Robertz and Fenja Striesow (all Corporate / VC), Dr. Viktoria Winstel and Karin Sültrop (both Employment) and Thomas Schnabel (Real Estate).

Nukklear was advised by Brehm von Moers, led by Kai Bodensiek.


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