Osborne Clarke advised Broadsign on the acquisition of Netherlands-based digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad tech provider OutMoove.

The transaction, which included OutMoove’s business and DOOH demand-side platform (DSP) technology, will enable OutMoove to focus on scaling its unique out-of-home (OOH) specialist agency workflows and support globally, while giving Broadsign access to OutMoove’s expertise and specialist OOH clients. Broadsign is the developer of the leading OOH advertising platform. OutMoove has been a Broadsign collaborator and trusted partner for almost seven years.

The Osborne Clarke deal team was led by Herke van Hulst and Wouter Kok and included Casper Schnepper and Levi Schutz from our corporate team. Other key members included Job van de Pol and Aram Hovanesjan (Tax), Cars-Jan van Gool and Eveline Leijen (Notarial), and Jim Margry and Luuk Molendijk (Employment).

Osborne Clarke’s corporate team is considered a go-to practice for many companies in the Tech, Media and Comms sector, working with global businesses to fast-growth market challengers. The team advises at every stage of company development across all corporate issues, from equity and debt fundraisings to M&A, IPOs and JVs.

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