Cyber security is frequently cited as one of the major issues troubling boards, and for good reason. No organisation is immune from this risk. Faced with a challenging and rapidly changing regulatory landscape, increased claimant activism, plus the dire reputational consequences which follow major security breaches, organisations need to understand what risks they face, and how to protect themselves.  

Our international team of specialist data, technology and disputes lawyers can help you to mitigate and manage cyber risk at all stages. On the preventative side, we advise on regulatory compliance, data audits and security, cyber insurance, and crisis readiness, including through crisis simulation or "war-gaming" exercises. And, if you suffer a major cyber security incident, including a data breach, our international team is available to assist you 24/7. We will help you urgently to investigate what has happened, take remedial steps, manage any media crisis, deal with regulatory and customer notifications, and liaise with law enforcement. Longer term, we can help you to pursue both offensive litigation against those responsible for the breach and defensive action if you face claims for loss or damage.


Global electronics business

Advised on major and highly publicised data breach, described by the press as one of the “top 10 hacks of 2015”, working...

Major insurance company

Advised a major insurance company on a business critical cyber breach perpetrated by existing and former employees...

Financial institution

Advised a financial institution following the compromise of its encryption keys, including liaising with regulators and...

Leading bank

Advised a leading bank on its loss of customer data, including how to deal with potential liabilities arising from the...