Specialist FinTech lawyers

We understand FinTech. We know the legal needs of FinTech businesses. When you work with us, you will receive specialist advice that is based on your needs and objectives, underpinned by our experience and knowledge of the issues facing the FinTech industry. Our advice comes from a team of lawyers who are aligned and consider the whole picture.

We get that many people have a vision, and we aim to give life to that vision. We gain satisfaction in forming long term relationships and helping businesses to grow.

Having worked in the sector for years, our multi-disciplinary team are recognised experts in advising on all legal aspects and at all stages of the lifecycle of FinTech businesses.

Our experience means that we understand the range of issues that arise when developing or executing your business strategy. We also understand the practical challenges of using financial technology. You can be sure that we will always consider how our advice today may impact your business tomorrow.

What makes us stand out is that we have the strength in depth to advise businesses across all the FinTech verticals. From innovative investment and wealth management platforms to crypto asset wallet providers, and from technology platforms to payments infrastructure – we do it all. This complete view of the sector helps us to consider all the angles of any legal challenge you are facing.