Sarah Dobson and Amy Dimond honoured in's Women, Influence and Power in Law Awards 'Class of 2021'

Published on 11th March 2021

Osborne Clarke is very pleased to announce operations director Sarah Dobson and associate director Amy Dimond have been recognised in a new awards programme that celebrates female talent in the legal industry.'s Women, Influence and Power in Law Awards honours individuals who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession during the past year.

A specialist in programme management, Sarah Dobson has been highlighted in the crisis management category for the support she and the transition team provided Osborne Clarke in managing and mitigating against the Covid-19 pandemic over the last year.

Amy Dimond also made the list as a rising star in diversity change. A passionate advocate for equal opportunity, Amy has a strategic role in co-chairing Osborne Clarke's firm-wide BAME network, working closely with Rajindh Mangat, the partner-level ethnic diversity champion. During the last year, Amy developed the firm's response to the Black Lives Matter movement, spearheading an engagement week and setting up focus groups for BAME colleagues to provide the Executive Board with recommendations for improvement.

The full list of 'Class of 2021' honourees can be found on


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