International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Investec Bank plc on the successful £100 million cashbox placing for AIM-quoted Blue Prism Group plc, a global leader in robotic process automation.

The net proceeds of the placing will provide Blue Prism with additional balance sheet strength in case of prolonged disruption during the period of uncertainty relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, support its progress to cash flow break-even and enable it to capitalise on potential near term and future market opportunities.

Investec acted as the financial adviser, nominated adviser, sole broker and sole bookrunner in connection with the Placing.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised Investec on the transaction was led by Partner Jonathan King who was assisted by Senior Associate Ed Nisbet and Associate Oliver Woods.

Osborne Clarke advises market leaders, challenger brands and fast-growth businesses in the financial services sector across all corporate issues, from equity and debt fundraisings to M&A, IPOs and JVs.

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