International legal practice Osborne Clarke has acted for Staffordshire Campus Living, a consortium formed of Hochtief PPP Solutions and Plenary Group, on the contract to design, build, finance and operate a student village for Staffordshire University in the UK.

Due for completion in 2026, the Student Village will see around 700 new student rooms built in cluster blocks and town houses alongside a village ‘hub’ facility to be used as a social space for students.

The development, to be constructed by Wilmott Dixon, will serve as a living and social space for those studying at the University, featuring events and wellbeing spaces, study areas and a roof-top terrace.

It will sit in close proximity to the University’s nature reserve and the River Trent, and Staffordshire Campus Living has developed a low energy and low carbon solution for the village, ensuring sustainability and carbon reduction remain at the heart of the design, build and operation.

The Osborne Clarke team advising on this matter was led by Partner Chris Wade (Projects), with Phil Davies and Nick Grewal (Construction, Planning & Environment) Sarah Knight (Corporate M&A) Chris Groves  and Leanne Hooper (Real Estate), Tracey Wright (Tax), and Hugo Lidbetter, Charlotte Kendrick and David Smith  (Projects). Supported by Luke Webb (Projects), Jen Glinos (Construction, Planning & Environment), Shauna Poole (Corporate) and trainee solicitors Charlotte D'Arcy and Maddy Begg.

Chris Wade said:

"The team at OC has been delighted to support Hochtief and Plenary on this transformational project for Staffordshire University and congratulates Staffordshire Campus Living and Staffordshire University on reaching financial close."


Osborne Clarke is a recognised industry leader in the Built Environment sector, providing a comprehensive lifecycle service and advising major real estate industry organisations, ranging from occupiers to property funds to developers and investors.

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