Osborne Clarke advises arivis AG on the sale of compliance division to BioMedion AG

Published on 22nd December 2020

Osborne Clarke advised arivis AG on the sale of its compliance division to BioMedion AG.

BioMedion AG is a global Compliance Management Software company providing controlled content and raw data management solutions for the life science industry, Arivis is a provider of regulatory software and biomedical 3D and big image data software solutions.

BioMedion offers a suite of software used in all “good practice” areas (“GxP”) where quality guidelines and regulations are imperative. Currently, the company serves 115 customers in 15 countries around the world. The acquisition includes the cloud-based arivis5D content platform that offers a holistic, integrated, and computerized approach for users in the pharmaceutical, medical device, food, and crop sciences industry. With the integration of both parties’ technologies, BioMedion will provide a new operating system for regulated applications operating effectively on one platform in controlled environments.

Following the acquisition, the arivis5D content platform will be rebranded to neuronOS. neuronOS will reinforce the company’s GxP quality, compliance, and archiving solutions by adding new technology to handle all types of digital content, including instrument data (e.g., scientific images) and digital forms.

Osborne Clarke's team, led by Philip Meichssner (Corporate), consisted of Natalie Merkle, Lorenz Chwaszcza (all Corporate, M&A), Dr. Thomas Leister and Andre Braig (both Employment law) and Konstantin Sitte (IP law).

About Osborne Clarke

Osborne Clarke is an international legal practice with over 1,800 employees at 26 locations worldwide, including 150 lawyers in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. With the claim “Helping you succeed in tomorrow’s world”, extensive industry knowledge through networking and outstanding expertise in the digital transformation of business models, Osborne Clarke advises and represents companies and entrepreneurs in all practical business law issues.
