Get ready for the McCloud retrospective pensions remedy in the UK: choices, choices, no choice!
Published on 2nd May 2023
A guide for public service pension schemes and administrators
From 1 October 2023, the McCloud retrospective pensions remedy will come into force. This will have wide-ranging implications for public service pension schemes, administrators and affected members alike, as members' benefits may be improved with retrospective effect. Members of the "main" schemes will have choices, so will the judiciary, but members of the Local Government Pension Scheme will have no choice about the remedy.
We have prepared a guide for public service pension schemes and administrators. This provides a high-level overview of the position reached in all schemes as at April 2023 and suggests how public service pension schemes and administrators should start to prepare.
Topics addressed include:
- background to the McCloud case and remedy;
- the prospective remedy;
- the retrospective remedy, including how it affects the main schemes, the judicial pension scheme, and the Local Government Pension Scheme;
- tax considerations;
- the cost control mechanism; and
- recommended actions.
We can provide the full range legal support to the LGPS and other public service pension schemes. Please feel free to get in touch with one of our experienced pension lawyers to understand how we can support you.