The metaverse
The metaverse will be formed by the convergence of many different technologies bringing together different aspects of online and real worlds, offering a seamless, cross-sector joining-up of business and social activity in a immersive digital environment. The metaverse doesn’t exist yet, and interoperability standards to interconnect online worlds are still a work-in-progress, but there are many platforms that demonstrate some of the characteristics of a metaverse – often referred to as 'proto-metaverses'. Some of these early worlds come from gaming/interactive entertainment; some are developing by adding metaverse-type interaction into existing applications; others are entirely new.
How the metaverse will be built, who will build it, how transactions will be governed and how it will be regulated are all open questions at the moment. Like all tech innovations, this is not unregulated territory, but applying existing legal frameworks to a new digital landscape brings diverse challenges.
We explored many of these issues in our 2021 Metaverse Report (written in partnership with NewZoo) and have discussed them during our recent Metaverse Week event, as well as in the articles below.

Article list

UKIPO guidance: trade mark protection for NFTs and virtual goods and services
What risks can augmented and virtual reality introduce into the employment life cycle?
Tokenisation of real estate: the way forward
VC Focus | 10 digital token 'must knows' for international venture capital
Virtual tops, real trademarks: how in the US and Europe to navigate fashion IP in the metaverse
European institutions contemplate the metaverse and its policy challenges
European Parliament Research Service paper considers regulation by adapting the existing digital world policy framework
Will AI be a game changer for the sports industry?
Rethinking regulation of data-driven digital platforms
The metaverse and artificial intelligence: the 'IP is everywhere' problem
IP and the metaverse: ownership and infringement of rights
What regulation is on the horizon for the metaverse?
Blockchain in the metaverse: what international regulatory challenges lie ahead?
Work in the metaverse will pose novel employment law questions
Retail central bank digital currencies: are they inevitable if the metaverse is inescapable?
Employment Law Coffee Break | Covid-19, the metaverse and workforce strategies
What are the legal issues around NFTs?
Metaverse Report

Brands in the metaverse: showtime for the fashion and cosmetics industry
UKIPO guidance: trade mark protection for NFTs and virtual goods and services
What risks can augmented and virtual reality introduce into the employment life cycle?
Tokenisation of real estate: the way forward
VC Focus | 10 digital token 'must knows' for international venture capital
Virtual tops, real trademarks: how in the US and Europe to navigate fashion IP in the metaverse
European institutions contemplate the metaverse and its policy challenges
European Parliament Research Service paper considers regulation by adapting the existing digital world policy framework
Will AI be a game changer for the sports industry?
Rethinking regulation of data-driven digital platforms
The metaverse and artificial intelligence: the 'IP is everywhere' problem
IP and the metaverse: ownership and infringement of rights
What regulation is on the horizon for the metaverse?
Blockchain in the metaverse: what international regulatory challenges lie ahead?
Work in the metaverse will pose novel employment law questions
Retail central bank digital currencies: are they inevitable if the metaverse is inescapable?
Employment Law Coffee Break | Covid-19, the metaverse and workforce strategies
What are the legal issues around NFTs?
Metaverse Report
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