All Insights


Climate change and sustainability: is competition law a barrier to progress?

Businesses are increasingly looking to work with industry competitors to pursue environmental and sustainability objectives, particularly where going-it-alone would create

Digitalisation of legal workflow

Digital Corporate: An interactive guide

Forward-looking firms know that paperless transactional support and corporate housekeeping is inevitable in our digital age – here's the legal

Digitalisation of legal workflow

Meeting alternatives and COVID-19: Solutions for Belgian companies and their stakeholders

Updated on 29 June 2020. As companies prepare for their annual shareholders' meetings, Belgium's federal government has offered a number


Chancellor announces package of economic measures to help steer the UK out of COVID-19 crisis

The government's latest stimulus package provides much-needed support for job creation, as well as providing a boost to the hospitality

Artificial intelligence

CDEI research identifies barriers to data use and ethical artificial intelligence

Public trust and regulation emerge as crucial from the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation's in-depth analysis of AI and

Dispute resolution

Should a claim be stayed where foreign proceedings arise from the same dispute but are not framed in identical terms?

Osborne Clarke secures a victory in staying a claim brought in England on the basis of proceedings brought in Cyprus

Coronavirus / COVID-19 – Competition and State aid

State aid | European Commission amends Temporary Framework for a third time to include aid for micro and small companies

Micro and small companies, including start-ups, may benefit from aid; while recapitalisation measures have been modified for businesses in general.

Managing risk in a transforming world

Liability creep | Regulators taking aim at the top

Regulatory regimes such as competition, data protection, and bribery and corruption offer regulators the opportunity to cast the liability net