Firm recognised for outstanding engagement in new Assessed Virtual Internship Programme supporting social mobility during Covid crisis

Osborne Clarke is proud to share that several of its employee volunteers were recognised this week for their outstanding commitment and dedication to upReach's Assessed Virtual Internship Programme, a social mobility initiative that supports graduates from less-advantaged backgrounds.

The impact of the Covid pandemic continues to be incredibly hard for upcoming graduates and the disruption will be felt for a long time to come. With many employers limiting opportunities due to constraints from the pandemic, prospects for young people are few and far between, and the challenges for those from less advantaged backgrounds are greater as they will often not have access to the same networks or work experience opportunities as their more privileged peers.

To overcome this challenge, award-winning charity upReach created the Assessed Virtual Internship Programme. The programme is offered exclusively to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who can gain experience across four sectors including law, consulting, banking and government and public sector.

Isobel Plant, Professional Experiences and Partnerships Manager at upReach said: "The team from Osborne Clarke has been hugely supportive by providing outstanding volunteers who really engaged and inspired our Associates. This award is truly deserved as we appreciate their ongoing commitment  to the programme."

Lara Flynn, Senior Associate and Katy Godwin, Associate - Co-chairs of Osborne Clarke's Social Diversity Committee said: "It has been a pleasure to be a part of upReach's Assessed Virtual Internship Programme. The award is a testament to the fantastic group of lawyers and business services volunteers that dedicated their time to support the programme. We hope to have instilled confidence in the students to aim high and dispel the myth that those from socially diverse backgrounds cannot aspire to a career in law."


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