Osborne Clarke retains 92 per cent of its 2022 qualifiers

Published on 23rd September 2022

This is the fourth consecutive year the firm has reported a retention rate over 90%, with 25 out of 27 trainees staying on as newly qualified solicitors in 2022.

The following trainees will be based across Osborne Clarke’s three UK offices in London, Bristol and Reading:


Alice Clack, Commercial

Bethany Filby, Commercial

Chris Russell, Commercial Disputes

James Macrae, Commercial Disputes

Niall Shields Commercial

Liz Foley, Corporate

David J Morgan, Banking

Ellie Wickham, Banking

Elliot Pawley, Regulatory Disputes

Rob Camm, Competition



Sarah Smith, Employment

Caroline Hynes, Employment

Claudia Kasinou, FIG

Eric Edwin, FIG

Josephine O'Dowd, Commercial

Zoe Hughes-Nind, Commercial Disputes

Holly Baker, Commercial Disputes

Andy Holt, IP Disputes

Sophie  Abbott, Property Disputes

Florence Dove, Real Estate

Amber Bains, Projects

Joshua Harper, Planning

Jack Ready, Banking



Dan Charie, Employment

Chris Flach, Corporate


NQ September 2022


Pictured from LtoR: Alice Clack, Amber Bains, Andy Holt, Bethany Filby, Caroline Hynes, Chris Flach, Chris Russell, Claudia Kasinou, Dan Charie, David J Morgan, Ellie Wickham, Elliot Pawley, Eric Edwin, Florence Dove, Holly Baker, Jack Ready, James Macrae, Josephine O'Dowd, Joshua Harper, Liz Foley, Niall Shields, Rob Camm, Sarah Smith, Sophie Abbott and Zoe Hughes-Nind.


Alexandra Gower, Partner and Training Principal at Osborne Clarke, said: "Congratulations to our trainees who have shown great determination and dedication throughout their training.  We're especially pleased that so many have chosen to stay on with the firm again this year.

"Much of the feedback we get from our trainees is that they like the well-rounded experience we offer.  It's something we pride ourselves on – investing our energy and resources to ensure each trainee's needs are supported.  Alongside our focus on outstanding legal expertise, we also look to develop confidence, grow emotional intelligence and help our trainees to build their relationships with colleagues and clients. These are the skills we know will set them up for success as the next generation of leading lawyers."

Graham de Guise, Chief People Officer at Osborne Clarke, said: "Let's be honest, one of the big reasons we all get out of bed in the morning is because we feel rewarded at work. But feeling appreciated and valued is very specific to each individual. Quite often it's a combination of everything from working with a supportive team and manager, to being challenged by the work, to how well you are financially recognised for your contributions.

"We've spent the last year looking closely at all these elements and more to ensure our people have the best experience working for the firm. One part of this has been to regularly review our reward strategy and benchmark rates.

"We've increased our London salaries to £90,000 as we aim to be competitive with firms that we compete against for talent and work. We've set the rate for Reading at 10% less than London – £81,000, as we feel it's a genuine alternative given its proximity to and ease of commute from the city. For Bristol, we aim to keep our pay in the top three of all Bristol firms and have set our rate at £69,000."



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