Osborne Clarke in Belgium has recently become a member of pharma.be, the leading organisation in Belgium to support pharmaceutical and biotech innovation and impact. Pharma.be collaborates with patients, doctors, hospitals, health insurance companies, pharmacists, universities, research groups, regulators and the government to provide the best possible healthcare for Belgians.

Life sciences and healthcare are one of Osborne Clarke's key sector focuses. The experts in Brussels and the international network work daily with companies active in pharmaceuticals, biotech, medical technologies and digital health to navigate the legal and regulatory challenges around new trends and technologies for medicines, devices, diagnostics, social care and beyond.

Belgium is a major hub for pharmaceutical innovation and the team in Brussels has a dedicated Life Sciences Regulatory and compliance practice to help clients bring their healthcare solutions to the market in compliance with EU sector regulations and local specifics. The Commercial, Corporate, Intellectual property, IT and data practices also have particular expertise in supporting Life Sciences businesses establish themselves, grow and adapt to the fast-paced market landscape.

Partner Hadrien Chef remarks, "We are delighted to be partnering with pharma.be to better support the wide range of life science and pharma companies that have made Belgium their headquarters. We hope our specialist knowledge can compliment the broad range of resources that pharma.be offers and look forward to many years of collaboration."


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