The FT Innovative Lawyers Europe Awards are the sector's most prestigious international law awards. They celebrate the outstanding achievements of law firms and clients, in-house legal teams and legal service providers that promote innovation within the sector, focusing in 2021 on whether businesses are sustainable and collaborative.

Osborne Clarke was praised for its “3D client strategy” which blends legal skills and services with sector specialisms and three “transformation drivers”: decarbonisation, digital transformation and urban dynamics (covering topics such as how cities are evolving).  The transformation drivers cut across practice areas and sectors.  The firm was also highlighted for building a software engineering team to create its own legal tech solutions.

Omar Al-Nuaimi, Osborne Clarke's international CEO, commented: "Clients have always come to us because we are a future focused firm.  This was formalised with our 3D strategy which provides clients with bespoke teams and expertise which intersect across legal services, sectors and the most pressing transformational issues facing business and society.  We are working with clients around the world to address these trends and challenges, to mitigate their impact and to turn them into profitable business opportunities.  It is a great achievement to be recognised by the FT as one of Europe's most innovative law firms."  

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