Osborne Clarke advises on the financing round for nevernot
Published on 7th October 2021

Osborne Clarke advised female investors on the financing round for the start-up nevernot.
The start-up, which among other things sells soft tampons, was able to attract prominent female investors: In addition to the well-known business angel Tijen Onaran, comedian Carolin Kebekus, actress Laura Karasek and influencer Charlotte Weise have also invested. nevernot wants to make its products accessible to a broad audience.
Sarah Julia Nießen (Corporate/Venture Capital) advised on the investment in the women-led start-up in a team with other Osborne Clarke lawyers on the side of the investors. The contact for the mandate was established within Osborne Clarke's Women's Business Circle - a platform for the mutual exchange and promotion of female founders and investors, executives, corporate lawyers, experts and impulse givers.