Osborne Clarke advised BrianzAcque S.r.l. – which manages the water services in the Province of Monza e Brianza – in the ambit of the financing with the European Investment Bank (EIB) acting as lender.

The financing, valued at Euro 55 million, is aimed at improving the efficiency of the water and wastewater infrastructure in the relevant territory for the period 2022-2025, through a series of projects addressing sustainability, climate action and environmental care in line with the Paris agreements, and the low-carbon goals of the EIB's Climate Bank Roadmap.

Osborne Clarke's team as led in the negotiation and completion of the transaction by partner Andrea Pinto and trainee Filippo Garramone for finance aspects and by partner Giorgio Lezzi in relation to issues of public law.

Patrizia Daniele and Giuseppe Mandelli negotiated the financing on behalf of BrianzAcque S.r.l.

The European Investment Bank was advised by its in-house team.

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