International Day of the Girl: school student takes over as Osborne Clarke's London Office Head for the day!

Published on 11th October 2023

To celebrate International Day of the Girl, Osborne Clarke welcomes Nada Benbarka– a sixth form student from Skinners Academy, to be the firm's London Office Head for the day.

Nada shadows Peter Day, Partner and current London Office Head. As part of her action-packed day, she will meet some of the firm's senior leaders and attend meetings to get a real feel both for Osborne Clarke and working in a senior position.

"We want young girls to believe in themselves, to see themselves in leadership roles, and give them the confidence to aim for those"

"We hope that by inviting a young girl to step into my role as London Office Head for the day, our people will reflect on the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes. We want young girls to believe in themselves, to see themselves in leadership roles, and give them the confidence to aim for those," said Peter.

International Day of the Girl, on 11 October annually, highlights and addresses the unique challenges girls face worldwide while promoting girls' empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Gender equality is an essential part of all of our lives, and International Day of The Girl brings this to the forefront, whilst reminding us of the need to inspire, provide opportunity and support young girls to achieve their goals and dreams.

Skinner's Academy is one of three local community schools that Osborne Clarke partners with for its flagship schools programme, The Bridge, which helps to facilitate access to the legal sector for young people from diverse backgrounds. Being a responsible and ethical business and employer underpins Osborne Clarke's business strategy. The Osborne Clarke For Good framework is the firm's way of ensuing it is a good corporate citizen, a good employer and a good business.

International Day of the Girl



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