Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu [Responsible Business Forum] (FOB) and Osborne Clarke to support companies in green transformation and ESG strategies implementation
Published on 24th October 2022

FOB and the law firm Osborne Clarke have established professional cooperation. It aims to support FOB partner companies in dealing with ESG-related challenges, especially green transformation and environmental protection. Among other things, the cooperation includes a planned series of meetings and training sessions on the most topical ESG issues, such as the EU taxonomy, the CSRD, the Fit for 55 package. The joint activities will also include the subjects of corporate governance and social responsibility.
The Responsible Business Forum is the longest-established - operating since 2000 - and the largest non-governmental organisation in Poland, which comprehensively deals with the concept of corporate responsibility. It is the initiator and partner of key ESG projects in Poland. Since 2002, the organisation has been a domestic partner of CSR Europe. FOB is also the only representative of World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Poland. Moreover, FOB coordinates the Diversity Charter in our country.
One of FOB’s prominent initiatives is the Partnership Programme which involves comprehensive support for companies that, through their commitment and activities, contribute to spreading the concept of responsible business in Poland. By joining the programme, they become part of the community promoting sustainable development and putting its principles into practice.
The FOB Partnership programme is based on three elements: firstly, communication and relationship building between companies; secondly, involving Partners in the organisation’s activities; and thirdly, education and knowledge, crucial for FOB and the partner-companies.
Hence the idea to partner with Osborne Clarke, a law firm that provides innovative support to entrepreneurs worldwide in transformational processes, including digitalisation and decarbonisation. The firm’s Decarbonisation Team comprehensively assists companies in green energy and renewables, infrastructure development and environmental challenges. It also offers expertise on topics related to the other ESG elements - social issues and corporate governance.
"Recent years have seen a dynamic development of sustainability topics, including international and national legislation. Together with Osborne Clarke experts, we have prepared a series of meetings for our Strategic Partners, during which we will present the regulatory aspects of ESG in the most practical way possible and advise the participants on how to find their way through the maze of new regulations"
"Establishing cooperation with such an experienced institution as FOB is an extremely important step for us in supporting the transformational competences of companies operating on the Polish market. We are happy to be able to show FOB Partners a modern approach to green transformation and other ESG challenges which we find unique on the Polish legal market. In line with this philosophy, which forms part of Osborne Clarke’s DNA worldwide, FOB Partners will be able to count on a holistic approach and an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, because that is one of the things that decarbonisation processes are all about"
The first meeting ‘Decarbonisation in uncertain times, or how to deal with new responsibilities and challenges’ is scheduled for 28 October. This will provide an opportunity to discuss what new regulations such as the EU taxonomy and the CSRD will bring in 2023. The firm’s experts will also tackle the issue of domestic legislation. They will, for instance, point out what requirements related to emissions and other aspects of environmental impact a company should meet. The series of meetings is aimed to equip companies with practical, reliable knowledge of the legal issues surrounding the various aspects of ESG.
Further meetings will address the social challenges facing business today and ESG policies and strategies in the context of corporate governance, among other things.
Businesses interested in participating in the meeting are encouraged to visit and contact Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu.