Osborne Clarke Partner and Head of Russia & CIS Disputes, Artem Doudko, has been appointed to the LCIA Court. The LCIA is one of the world’s leading arbitration institutions.

Artem, an English-qualified solicitor advocate focuses on international arbitration and litigation matters involving Russian and/or CIS issues as well as advising Russian-speaking clients. In addition to this latest appointment, Artem is a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR representing ICC Russia. Artem is also a Vice Chairman of the Board of the Russian Arbitration Association, a member of the Board of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Russia CIS Arbitration Network.

Greg Fullelove, the Head of the International Arbitration Group at Osborne Clarke commented: "This is a great but richly deserved honor for Artem. As the LCIA has recognised, his knowledge of Russia-related arbitration is second to none and he will bring great insight and energy in his role. I am delighted for Artem, as is the Osborne Clarke international arbitration group as a whole. These are exciting times for our practice."



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