Public transport:

Train from Roissy Charles De Gaulle airport

Average travel time: 45 to 60 minutes

  • Take the RER B towards Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse. Get off at Gare du Nord, then take RER E towards Haussmann-Saint-Lazare. Get off at Haussmann-Saint-Lazare, then take metro line M 3, towards Pont de Levallois-Bécon. Get off at Wagram or Malesherbes and walk five minutes to 163 Boulevard Malesherbes

Train from Gare du Nord

  • Take the RER Etowards Haussmann-Saint-Lazare, get off at Haussmann-Saint-Lazare station and then take metro line M 3 towards Pont de Levallois-Bécon. Get off at Wagram or Malesherbes and walk 5 minutes to 163 Boulevard Malesherbes


  • Station Wagram or Malesherbes


  • From Paris Saint Lazare train station, take bus 94 going to Levallois – Louison Bobet, get off at bus stop Jouffroy d’Abbans / Malesherbes


There are several public parking within walking distance to the office:

  • Parking (Garage Peugeot): 40 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans 75017 Paris
  • Parking Indigo Villiers: 14 Avenue de Villiers, 75017 Paris.
  • Parking Vinci Wagram Courcelles: 103 ter Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans

Parking for bikes and motorbikes is available in front of the building.
There is also a station for Vélib’ at 20 de la rue de Phalsbourg, and one for Autolib at 113 boulevard Malesherbes.

48.8857743, 2.3060454

Office Address

Osborne Clarke SELAS 163 boulevard Malesherbes Paris 75017 France

+33 1 84 82 41 10

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