Wiktor is a skilled legal adviser, specialising in commercial disputes. He also advises on competition law and regulatory aspects of insurances.

Wiktor represents clients before common courts of law, Supreme Court, central offices and administrative courts, mostly in business disputes. He provides ongoing legal help to entities from the leasing and insurance sector, supporting them with regard to contractual terms and conditions, as well as the distribution of insurance products. 

Clients seek Wiktor’s help in cases conducted before the President of Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and with regard to distribution agreements, selective distribution and other issues connected to competition law. 

While choosing a method of action, he takes into account the best possible outcome for the client’s business.

Helping you succeed in tomorrow's world

I’m passionate about my client’s cases and fully engaged in support of their business. I always stay up-to-date with new regulations and best market practices, so I can devise new, innovative solutions for my client’s needs. 

I use my legal knowledge and expertise to support causes that matter, such as free, independent media. In my pro bono practice I represent independent magazines and investigative journalists.
