Julian Hemming

Julian has been ranked as a leading employment law in Tier 1 of both the Chambers and Legal 500 directories for many years. Julian has a particular interest in diversity and inclusion, including how employers can recruit and retain an age diverse workforce.
Julian regularly advises on Board level issues for listed and private companies and is an experienced non-executive director. Julian is a member of the Governance Board of the award winning diversity and inclusion programme "Stepping Up". Julian uses his interest in this area to work with employers who want to hear different views and opinions in their organisations and who want to embrace change.
Julian joined Osborne Clarke as a partner in 1997. Julian has served on the Executive Board of the firm and until 2022 was co-chair of Osborne Clarke’s International Employment Law Group. Julian has also held numerous external Board appointments. Julian has been Chair of the UK Employment Lawyers’ Association.
In addition to being a qualified mediator, Julian is a qualified coach and he currently uses his coaching expertise to help Osborne Clarke partners and employees to develop their careers and to continue to make valuable contributions to the firm at all levels.
Julian represents the Employment Group in the Energy & Utilities sector and also in Transport. Currently, Julian is heavily involved in advising on the employment law aspects of the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail.
In September 2022, Julian was recognised for his 'outstanding contribution to diversity as an Ally and Champion by Stepping Up. Stepping Up's Programme Director, Christine Bamford, commented on the award: "Julian has been an inclusion ally and ambassador for the Stepping Up diversity leadership programme – transforming the lives of so many. His commitment to mentoring embraced empathy and empowerment, which inspired his mentees to "step up." We truly could not have launched Stepping Up without Julian's personal support."
“Superb lawyer” Julian Hemming has a strong international practice, regularly advising Indian businesses on a range of employment matters. He is also experienced in advisory work for high-profile US-based and European clients concerning multi-jurisdictional employment issues.
"The team is amazing; they always respond quickly and they are good to work with. They are very helpful and get the answer to you quickly. They are extremely responsive and they provide great advice"
"Julian Hemming has notable strength in employee relations issues, such as negotiations with European Work Councils. He also acts on TUPE matters and disciplinary procedures as well as representation in disputes before the Employment Tribunal. "He's great - he's very personable and approachable"
Advising on employment law.
Advising clients on business protection issues including through the enforcement of restrictive covenants and the protection of confidential information, including on social media.
Advising on employment law.
Advises on employment aspects of global outsourcing deals including recently with International Airlines Group.
Advises on all employment law matters.
Advised on its European Works' Council.
Advising on starting and expanding their businesses across the EU including advising on recruitment, employment contracts, employee benefits and business protection.