Federica Fischetti

Throughout her professional career, Federica has specialised in public law, with a particular focus on public procurement and public services law, both judicial and non-judicial.
She has accrued considerable experience in the award and enforcement of public contracts and concessions, as well as services of general economic interest, with particular reference to regulation and procurement of water service, public lighting, gas distribution, local public transport and environmental hygiene services.
Federica advises and assists economic operators, public bodies and companies providing public services, as well as central purchasing bodies before the Administrative Courts. Federica also advises on the public law aspects of corporate transactions, including M&A insurance.
After graduating at the University of Milan, in 2008 Federica obtained her PhD in European Union law. She joined Osborne Clarke in the summer of 2019, having worked with leading law firms in the field of administrative law.
Federica is admitted to appear before the Italian Supreme Courts.
The firm is made unique by its people, who have always shown preparation and competence, excellent relational aptitudes both with the client and with the counterparties and the judicial authorities. […] Giorgio Lezzi and Federica Fischetti are recommended.
Successfully advised the client in its appeal before the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy for an annulment of the award of the public tender contract to a third party related to the public lighting service in the Municipality of Monza. Read more>
Successfully advised this Italian multinational, leader in the staff leasing sector, in two sets of litigation proceedings before the Regional Administrative Court of Aosta and on appeal before the Council of State relating to a public services contract valued at over Euro 28 million.
Successful on appeal in proceedings relating to the improved energy efficiency of the public lighting network in the Municipality of Treviso.
Successfully advised the clients on litigation valued at over 26 million euro relating to the award of the project finance procedure relating to the improvement of the energy efficiency and management of the public lighting network in the Municipality of Busto Arsizio.
Advised in litigation relating to the concession, valued at over 33 million euro, for the improvement of energy efficiency and the management of the public lighting network in the Municipality of Treviso.
Advised this public body and owner and manager of a stock of public housing in and around Milan, on a series of key works valued at over 800 million Euro aimed at improving of energy efficiency at its properties and plant.
Advising the company, controlled by the public authorities and operating in the energy efficiency sector, on the management of a series of high value contracts relating to the maintenance of heating systems and the supply of gas or other fuel to the region’s hospitals.
Assisted SCR Piemonte S.p.A., a company owned by the Piedmont Region, in two sets of litigation proceedings brought against it before the Regional Administrative Court of Piedmont relating to the award of a centralized regional tender for the supply of surgical gloves and connected services, also relating to the containment of the Covid-19 emergency, to the health authorities in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, with an overall value of approx. Euro 28 million.
Advised parties to a temporary joint venture on litigation before the appellate administrative court of Sicily in relation to a tender award for public lighting services in Messina.
Advised the Municipality of Sanremo in evaluating the proposal, presented by a temporary association of economic operators, for a 20-year public-private partnership by financial leasing to design, finance, build and run a new underground car park.
Advised in the sale of the company’s environmental division to the Iren Group, and in the structuring of the competitive bid procedure, in coordination and with the authorisation of the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE).