Charlotte Harris

Charlotte is an Associate Director in the Financial Institutions Group, specialising in consumer finance and retail banking regulation.
She advises a wide range of clients including retail banks, fin techs, asset finance providers and point of sale lenders on all aspects of the consumer credit regime, mortgage regulation and other consumer protection legislation such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Charlotte regularly advises clients on whether the activities they are conducting fall within the regulatory perimeter for consumer credit or mortgage lending, the structuring of new innovative products, digital customers journeys and drafting the full suite of documents required for regulated credit, hire and mortgage products. She is also experienced at advising clients on regulatory change and complex remediation issues as a result of non-compliance with the regulatory regime.
As well as working in private practice, Charlotte has also spent 5 years working in-house at both a large retail bank and a private bank.
From 15 August 2018, providers of current accounts have been required to publish standing data related to account opening and...