Arne Ruhwinkel advises national and international companies in the digital media and software sector on IT law. Another focus of her practice is the advice in the areas of e-commerce, m-commerce and data protection.

After finishing her studies in Bonn and Fribourg, Arne completed her legal traineeship in Cologne, San Francisco and Hamburg, among others with the legal department of an international technology company.

Osborne Clarke was awarded JUVE law firm of the year for use of IT & Data Protection and Technology & Media in 2019.

JUVE Awards 2019_EN


Osborne Clarke advises game developer Com2uS on acquisition of OOTP, read more

Law Firm of the Year 2019 for IT & Data Protection & Technology

The journal JUVE has twice named the international legal practice Osborne Clarke as the Law Firm of the Year for 2019.

Contact Arne Katharina
