Biotech and pharmaceuticals
In life sciences, we have a strong track record in domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, helping our clients to monetise their assets through creative partnering with early-stage entrepreneurial and established companies, and by providing IP and tax advice.
Digital health
Our specialist healthcare technology practice advises the companies and investors that are transforming the way therapies and patient services are delivered.
In health and social care, we advise on everything from the building and operating of hospitals and care homes to the provision of new methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Life sciences and healthcare
Sanità nella Legge di Bilancio 2025
Una sintesi delle principali misure in ambito sanitario previste nella legge n. 207 del 30 dicembre 2024 ("Bilancio di previsione...
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Life sciences and healthcare
Presidi medico-chirurgici: approvate le linee guida per una corretta etichettatura
Il Ministero della Salute ha approvato le linee guida per una corretta etichettatura dei presidi medico chirurgici
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Life sciences and healthcare
Dispositivi medici: il Tar Lazio respinge i ricorsi avverso il contributo dello 0,75%
Il TAR Lazio ha respinto i ricorsi avverso l'imposizione di un contributo pari allo 0,75% del fatturato sulle vendite di...
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