Biotech and pharmaceuticals
In life sciences, we have a strong track record in domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, helping our clients to monetise their assets through creative partnering with early-stage entrepreneurial and established companies, and by providing IP and tax advice.
Digital health
Our specialist healthcare technology practice advises the companies and investors that are transforming the way therapies and patient services are delivered.
In health and social care, we advise on everything from the building and operating of hospitals and care homes to the provision of new methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Public Law
Osborne Clarke obtient de la CNAM / CRAMIF le rétablissement de l’activité d’un opticien audioprothésiste
Depuis plusieurs mois, certains professionnels de santé rencontrent des blocages, inexpliqués et incompris, entrainant l’absence de prise en charge et...
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IT and data
Cyber/faille de sécurité - Le Conseil d'Etat français confirme la décision de la CNIL contre Optical Center (250.000 Euros d'amende)
La société Optical Center a subi une cyber-attaque de son site de e-commerce en janvier 2019 qui a donné lieu...
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Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities
New research by Economist Impact, supported by Osborne Clarke, has identified 12 technologies that can help cities achieve their carbon-emission...
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