PEOPLEAdvanced Search
Paul Brouwer

Associate Director, The Netherlands

Sabine van Baren

Associate, The Netherlands

Mark Wesker

Partner, UK

Niels Dolk

Senior Associate, The Netherlands

616 results

Il trasporto è una necessità della nostra vita. È anche una delle principali fonti di emissioni di gas a effetto serra. La decarbonizzazione dei trasporti sarà fondamentale per affrontare la sfida del cambiamento climatico e raggiungere i nostri obiettivi di zero emissioni entro il 2050. Il passaggio a un sistema...

Collective bargaining and employee relations

Collective bargaining and work councils are becoming a fact of life for companies in all industries. Meanwhile, the growing importance of worker representation in the company management structure brings a wealth of issues for boards and company owners. Both can have significant implications on how you deal with your employees...

Business advisory

Good corporate governance is essential for any listed company, and many privately held and smaller companies choose to follow best practice, too. Our team helps organisations meet the corporate governance requirements in the countries where they do business. That means working closely with boards to drive best practice, shape policy...

Cyber security

Cyber security is frequently cited as one of the major issues troubling boards, and for good reason. No organisation is immune from this risk. Faced with a challenging and rapidly changing regulatory landscape, increased claimant activism, plus the dire reputational consequences which follow major security breaches, organisations need to understand...


We’ve remained at the heart of real estate investment for many years, and our blend of genuine sector knowledge, legal expertise and exceptional client service means that we give valuable, results-focused advice across all property investments. Our core strengths are in fund management, developing efficient letting strategies, offshore managed structures...
Bringing out the best in people

The working world has changed. We've changed with it, by evolving flexible and imaginative approaches to everyone's work/life needs.