UK Knowledge Collection | Supreme Court decision on holiday pay, VC deal trends, and AI in the energy sector
Published on 6th Oct 2023
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This week, the Supreme Court decided an important case on holiday pay and unlawful deductions of wages, with implications for employers throughout the UK. While the judgment has helpfully clarified certain areas, it has potentially extended the risk of claims in respect of a series of deductions for some businesses, depending on their engagement models.
Rising inflation and bank borrowing rates have led to a worldwide reduction in venture capital investment over the last few months. Our Insight explores how the prevailing economic conditions have affected venture deals in the UK, including the impact on specific deal terms, and any possible changes on the horizon.
The transformative potential of artificial intelligence is immense and the emerging legal and regulatory issues will continue to evolve. In regulated sectors, such as energy, the increasing uptake of AI poses novel compliance risks (including ESG and data) alongside its benefits. Having robust systems and a strong data strategy can help to manage these risks.
Our "Dipping into Data" webinar will discuss the key takeaways from the ICO Data Practitioners' Conference that took place this week, and consider the implications for businesses.
UK Employment Law Coffee Break
Our update focuses on this week's ruling from the Supreme Court, which has provided clarity for employers on certain aspects of entitlement to paid holiday.
Venture capital deal terms trends in the UK
While there has been a substantial decline in total deal value and drop in funding rounds, the UK remains the most attractive market in Europe for early stage and growth investment, not least in the tech start-up space.
How to navigate the emergence of AI in the energy sector
Osborne Clarke recently hosted an event for senior female leaders in the energy sector that explored the impact of artificial intelligence and how energy businesses can become "AI ready".
Ten questions contractual parties ask about UK PFI project hand backs
As the keys start being handed back on the earliest of the 500-plus UK private finance initiative projects, the parties are gearing up for the first of many hand back discussions, with nuances around delivery structures, sectors and vintage. What should they consider before beginning discussions?
Engaging with HMRC to avoid issues when cramming down tax liabilities under an English restructuring plan
HMRC has taken an increasing interest in restructuring plans where a compromise of its debts is proposed, and is taking a more active approach in opposing plans with which it does not agree.
Dipping into Data | The Data Protection Practitioners' Conference: key takeaways
9 October | 16:00-16:45
Following the annual Data Protection Practitioners' Conference on 3 October, our panel will analyse the main themes that emerged and the practical implications.
Eating Compliance for Breakfast | Sanctions: what a year of case law has taught us
10 October | 09:00-09:30
What approach is being taken by the courts to contractual and litigation problems thrown up by recent sanctions developments?
Property Disputes | Development constraints: drainage, highways gaps and services
11 October | 09:00-10:00
The latest instalment of our property disputes webinar series will focus on strategic land and development issues, including some of the common development constraints that arise such as highway issues, drainage of surface water and bringing services across third party land.
Eating Compliance for Breakfast | Global compliance: gift and hospitality registers
12 October | 09:00-09:30
With reference to the UK Bribery Act 2010, the discussion will consider why gifts and hospitality registers are needed, how they can be used effectively, and how to design a comprehensive gift and hospitality system.
Eating Compliance for Breakfast | Digital assets digest
19 October | 09:00-09:30
The expansion of the regulation of digital assets in the UK continues as high profile cases before the English courts create disruption in the crypto market and the Law Commission tries to introduce some certainty. This session will offer some clarity on recent developments.