UK Knowledge Collection | International data transfers, work-related illness, and transparency in procurement
Published on 2nd Dec 2022
Welcome to this week's Knowledge Collection

There have been developments in the UK on international data transfer requirements, with the Information Commissioner's Office publishing a long-awaited update to its guidance, including a new section on transfer risk assessments. And the government has announced that it will lay before Parliament legislation that will enable the free flow of personal data between the UK and South Korea, following the completion of its adequacy assessment. Our final "Dipping into Data" webinar of 2022 looks at the competition implications of data-sharing, and what to watch out for.
The latest statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have shown that stress, depression and anxiety account for just over half of work-related illnesses in Great Britain, with a significant impact on business productivity. The HSE is focusing on mental health risk in the workplace as a strategic priority.
The government has signalled its intention that the new Procurement Bill, which is before Parliament, will enhance and extend transparency in supply chains. The bill will require greater scrutiny of bidders' subcontractors as well as their social value and environmental credentials, making a broader range of ESG issues part of the tender process.
The sustainability credentials of businesses are also of growing importance to consumers – with more responsibility being put on producers for the entire life cycle of their products (waste and packaging included) and a corresponding increase in the regulatory and reputational consequences for unsubstantiated green claims that are made. Greenwashing is likely to feature as a theme at our annual "Look Back, Face Forward®" advertising law event, which returns next week with a detailed look at what is on the horizon, and what has changed in the last year.
Regulatory Outlook
Our update on developments in the UK's fast-moving business compliance landscape includes coverage of the government's confirmation that it will legislate to empower the Digital Markets Unit, new guidance for businesses on how to collect packaging data for the extended producer responsibility scheme in 2023, and more.
Health and Safety Executive spotlights mental health risks in the GB workforce
Stress, depression and anxiety account for 51% of recorded work-related illnesses in Great Britain, according to the latest HSE statistics for 2021-22, with 17 million working days lost as a consequence.
UK regulators ask how AI and Big Tech can transform financial services
The Financial Conduct Authority, the Bank of England and the Prudential Regulation Authority are considering the impact on consumers of the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services.
UK Procurement Bill aims to strengthen transparency in supply chains
While the Procurement Bill continues its journey through Parliament, the finer detail of its provisions remains subject to change; however, the new regime will include greater scrutiny of supply chains.
European producers given greater obligations to decarbonise with EPR and greenwashing regulation
Jurisdictions across Europe are gradually increasing the level of obligations attached to the manufacture and use of products. Increased awareness of green issues among the consumer base has also led to a surge in the green claims being made by businesses, resulting in a new wave of regulation and intervention to protect consumers against greenwashing.
Events: the week ahead
Look Back, Face Forward® 2022/23
7 December | 09:00-12:00
Our annual look at the present and future of advertising law, including coverage of the top 10 marketing cases, essential marketing control changes of 2022, and what's in store for 2023 and beyond – with a keynote presentation addressing the CMA's priorities for the year ahead.
Dipping into Data | Competition and data sharing
Webinar | 8 December | 16:00-16:30
The session offers an overview of the changing rules around data sharing (including vertical and horizontal agreements) and what companies should look out for on data sharing.