UK Knowledge Collection | Autumn Statement, illegal harms consultation, and UK Russian sanctions regime
Published on 24th Nov 2023
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This week saw the chancellor delivering his Autumn Statement. With government finances in a stronger position than previously anticipated, he introduced some tax cuts and other measures intended to increase economic growth. Our tax team looks closely at what the announcements mean for business and our employment update examines how the changes to national minimum wage rates and the continued drive to get those who are economically inactive back to work will affect employers.
The regulator, Ofcom, has published its first consultation on under the Online Safety Act. It focuses on illegal harms, and provides detailed draft guidance and codes of practice to assist online service providers to understand their compliance obligations and Ofcom's approach to enforcement.
Last month, a Court of Appeal case raised unexpected and wide-ranging sanctions implications for UK businesses with Russian interests when it expressed a view that the Russian president could be deemed "to control everything in Russia". It was expected that the position would have to be clarified to avoid significant business uncertainty in relation to the UK-Russia sanctions regime. The financial sanctions enforcement body, OFSI, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office have now issued guidance.
Data continues to be a hot topic for business. Our Insight explores how data exploitation is transforming the logistics sector, our webinar next month discusses the implications for businesses that are increasingly using biometric data, and our employment update webinar considers (among other things) some of the HR-related data issues that employers frequently encounter.
Autumn Statement 2023: what UK business tax measures were announced?
The chancellor delivered his Autumn Statement on 22 November, accompanied by a better-than-expected economic and fiscal forecast by the Office of Budget Responsibility.
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UK Employment Law Coffee Break
This week's edition considers the Autumn Statement announcements affecting employers, a recent case on stress and disability discrimination, and more.
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UK Online Safety Act: Ofcom launches its first consultation on illegal harms
Ofcom has now published its first consultation under the Online Safety Act, which focuses on services' duties to protect users from illegal content. What is its scope and key themes?
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UK clarifies that 'ordinary' companies in Russia are not deemed controlled by the president
The guidance provides some much needed reassurance for business that transactions with an otherwise non-sanctioned Russian commercial company or business will not be caught by a wide interpretation of the "control" test under the UK Russian sanctions regime.
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Future of Mobility and Infrastructure | Mitigating against supply chain issues, the changing logistics industry, and artificial intelligence
The first edition of our update for the mobility and infrastructure sector looks at what is causing supply chain pressure and how to spot the red flags; three key trends in the logistics industry; and the threats and opportunities of artificial intelligence.
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In-house Lawyer Talks
Digital Competition – latest developments in the UK and EU
27 November | 10:00-11:00
Competition law in digital markets is developing rapidly, with new laws in the UK and EU and investigations and private actions against large tech players.
Corporate internal investigations: the good, the bad and the ugly
28 November | 10:00-11:00
This session will cover when investigations might be required, the options, and the role of the in-house lawyer – including privilege, ESG factors, and more.
Demystifying guarantees and indemnities
28 November | 14:00-15:00
We will look at the differences between a guarantee and indemnity and the clauses that make them work, clarify the common terminology and talk through the issues when entering a contract containing any form of guarantee or indemnity.
How to protect your contractual rights
29 November | 10:00-11:00
When a potential contractual dispute is in the air, it is critical to ensure rights are protected. The session looks at how to reserve rights, including terminating for delay, waiver and estoppel, and variation. We will consider whether "no waiver" clauses work, giving away rights, and increasing the chance of being paid by insurers.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: what you need to know
30 November | 10:00-11:00
The most fundamental change to the purpose and role of the UK's corporate registry since its creation in 1844 also introduces a new corporate criminal offence of failure to prevent fraud and limits on the use of corporate directorships. This webinar offers all you need to know about these forthcoming changes.
Employment law update
30 November | 14:00-15:00
The employment team will consider age-related issues in the workplace and positive action initiatives, HR data issues for employers, and an update on employment laws in the pipeline.
Generative AI: Harnessing its power and managing the risks
1 December | 10:00-11:00
Generative AI poses a two-fold challenge for in-house lawyers: legal and compliance risks need to be understood and managed, as does the technology itself and how it can be used within the legal team.
Dipping into Data | Biometric Data
4 December | 16:00-16:30
The use of ID verification and recognition tools using biometric data are becoming more and more prevalent across a number of sectors and services. How can organisations use this data in compliance with data protection law?
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Eating Compliance for Breakfast | PFAS: regulation update and recent market insights
5 December | 09:00-09:30
A look at the current status of PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) regulations – also known as "forever chemicals" – in the UK and EU from a product liability and environmental law perspective and market responses to the increased regulation.
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Cryptoassets: UK legal and regulatory update
5 December | 15:00-16:00
An exploration of the latest legal and regulatory developments affecting cryptoassets in the UK and what can be expected in 2024 and beyond.
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Trespassers: how to mitigate risk and recover your land
13 December | 09:30-10:15
Our property disputes webinar series turns to how commercial landlords can regain possession of land from trespassers or squatters.
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