All Insights


'Retained EU law' | What happens to EU law in the UK at the end of the Brexit transition period?

Retained EU law represents a fundamental new concept under English law, but what exactly will constitute retained EU law and

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | FIT Accreditation deadline extension, CNG HGV filling stations and interoperable EV payment app

In this week's edition we look at the government response to its consultation on FIT accreditation scheme deadline changes, Ofgem's

Financial Services

Financial Conduct Authority drives change for vulnerable customers

The regulator believes there is room for improvement in the way UK financial services treat vulnerable customers and its new

Tech, Media and Comms

UK government launches "national data strategy"

The new strategy has been designed to put data at the heart of the UK recovery from the pandemic, and

Financial Services

Has Covid-19 made IRR an irrelevant measure of success?

As confidence starts to return to the market, fund managers and investors are assessing the financial effects of the Covid-19


How will the National Security and Investment Bill affect defence sector transactions?

The Bill, which is expected to be passed this autumn, will reduce transaction certainty and increase deal complexity, but may

International expansion and growth

A Global Workforce and Covid-19: Insights from Germany

The Covid-19 pandemic caused great disruption for a workforce used to travelling, living and working in in multiple jurisdictions across

International expansion and growth

Distributed workforces: navigating the labor and compliance challenges

Businesses are increasingly willing to take on workers wherever they are in the world, but with a variance in tax

Energy and Utilities

Is the electric vehicle charging infrastructure sector ready for project finance?

With fleet operators looking to decarbonise, the "Charging as-a-Service" market is becoming increasingly attractive to project finance lenders who are

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | the importance of heat pumps, wind generation record and a call for coders

This week we look at a report commissioned by the Mayor of London into the retrofitting of heat pumps in

Financial Services

Funds Legal Update | 26 August 2020

As far as the investment funds industry is concerned, August has been far from the usual summer lull.

Financial Services

Work-pass requirements tightened again for non-Singaporeans

Increase in minimum salary requirements with special focus on financial sector comes amid growing public concern over a weakened job