All Insights

Financial Services

Will ELTIF 2.0 boost long-term investments in the EU economy?

European Parliament adopts the EU’s regulation for long-term investment funds
Real estate

UK Supreme Court reinstates residential landlords' discretion to apportion service charges 

Unanimous decision limits the role of the First-Tier Tribunal to reviewing contractual and statutory legitimacy
Regulatory and compliance

UK NHS suppliers required to commit to net zero by 2050 or lose out on future contract opportunities

From April, bidders for NHS contracts over £5 million must produce a carbon reduction plan
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Government announces accreditation scheme for low-carbon hydrogen

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.


Blockchain in Singapore 2023: where are we now? 

Collaborative projects and regulatory developments in Singapore indicate an appetite for innovation in digital assets
Employment and pensions

How to plan for a global reduction in force

What six steps should businesses consider when looking to make a RIF outside of the US?
Tech, Media and Comms

Will 2023 be the year 5G private infrastructure and networks finally arrive?

To date, 5G networks have delivered limited benefits to consumers: now is the time for businesses to unlock the benefits
Financial Services

'Significant divergences': EBA publishes report on PSD2 authorisation peer review

Competent authority practices continue to diverge, according to the review into the directive's authorisation processes
Real estate

Jersey Property Unit Trusts may now need to be on HMRC's trust register

Guidance for unauthorised unit trusts including JPUTs changed on 31 January
Dark Patterns

Dark patterns and sustainability remain a target for Poland's consumer protection authority

Entrepreneurs in Poland need to be aware that consumer protection probes and proceedings are not slowing down