Navigating restructuring plans

Approaching valuation evidence in English restructuring plans | Podcast

Published on 17th October 2023

Valuation has a critical role to play in successful plans, but how should valuation evidence be approached?

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In this podcast, Sam Furse and Douglas Hawthorn of Osborne Clarke's restructuring and insolvency team speak to Jim Davies, a Partner in the Financial Advisory team at FRP Advisory, regarding the approach to valuation evidence in restructuring plans.

In particular, this podcast focuses on:

  • The approach taken by a valuer when producing valuation evidence for a restructuring plan
  • Ensuring sufficient scrutiny of the figures and assumptions which underpin valuation evidence
  • The practicalities of market testing as part of the process
  • Tips for dealing with creditor activism

Jim Davies and the valuation team at FRP Advisory have provided valuation evidence on a number of restructuring plans to date, including Lifeways, Fitness First, Prezzo and Clintons.



* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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