Decarbonising technologies for cities: case studies of Barcelona, Delhi and Paris | Launch webinar

Join Jeremy Kingsley, Global Lead for Strategic Foresight at Economist Impact, and our legal experts as we explore decarbonising technologies being trialled by first-mover cities – Barcelona, Delhi and Paris.
For cities looking to decarbonise and achieve their net-zero targets by 2050, green technologies will play a crucial role. These technologies are already being trialled by cities around the world, each with their own set of regulatory, political, and economic challenges and opportunities.
The expert panel will share learnings from these trailblazing cities for the applicability, scalability and sustainability of technologies such as digital twins, district cooling and vehicle-to-grid. We'll also share a copy of Decarbonising technologies for cities: case studies of Barcelona, Delhi and Paris.
To register, please click on the link below. You'll then be able to download the calendar file with joining instructions included. We'll also send you these details by email prior to the webinar.