Ensuring compliance with the law and internal regulations and preventing possible violations are among the main challenges of businesses today. This is particularly important in view of the new regulations on whistleblowers. The final shape of Polish regulations implementing the Directive on the protection of whistleblowers is not yet known, but on the basis of findings to date, the main obligations of employing entities can be identified:
- Creation of an internal notification procedure,
- Establish and follow up,Protection of reporters.
The application of the new regulations, including the obligation to create an internal notification procedure in will primarily affect entities for which at least 50 people perform or provide work, and entities in the so-called AML sector. For entities employing fewer people, such a procedure is optional. However, it is worth taking steps now to implement procedures governing the whistleblowing process and the handling of reports.
Notification system
Introduce appropriate regulations to ensure that internal notifications will secure the business and enable its further development. An effective internal notification system, will make it possible:
- take rapid response and corrective action
- prevention of possible damage
- obtaining information about possible violations prior to inspection by offices and authorities
- strengthening relationships in the organization based on ethics and open communication.
How can we help?
We support companies in implementing whistleblower policies and complying with requirements under whistleblower protection laws.
We provide comprehensive legal and business advice at every stage of an organization's compliance with internal reporting obligations:
- Stage I - Getting to know the organization and advising it to choose the right solution
Make arrangements for the manner of reporting irregularities (reporting channel), the form of reports (the issue of anonymity), the subject scope of reports, also to determine the rules for handling them.
- Stage II - Internal regulations (development)
Preparation of templates of the necessary documents required under the whistleblower legislation, meeting the minimum standard and the requirements of RODO, in particular development of the procedure for internal notifications tailored to the individual needs of the organization.
- Stage III - Communication support and training delivery
Support in the development of internal and external communication projects regarding the rules and
Procedures for making notifications. Conduct training (for both employers and employees).
- Stage IV - Handling of applications
Advising on occurring reports of irregularities in your organization. Verifying reports, analyzing them and supporting your organization in conducting its assessment.
The counseling also includes conducting an investigation, preparing communications regarding the application and recommendations for further action.