PEOPLEAdvanced Search
Stefan Deswert

Partner, Belgium

Paulina Lekan

Junior Associate, Polska

Wiktor Rustecki

Associate, Polska

Michalina Skarżyńska

Associate, Polska

384 results

ESG, zrównoważony rozwój i odpowiedzialność biznesu

Kwestie odpowiedzialnego, zrównoważonego biznesu, działań w zakresie środowiska, odpowiedzialności społecznej i ładu korporacyjnego (ESG) zajmują coraz ważniejsze miejsce na agendzie przedstawicieli wszystkich sektorów. Wśród członków zarządów znacz

Banking and finance disputes

Organisations are increasingly involved in major investigations involving a wide range of sensitive issues. These extend to bribery and corruption, fraud, financial conduct, reputational, ethical, risk and regulatory issues. We have considerable experience of both conducting internal investigations on behalf of clients and in acting for clients in response to...


Payments play a central role in everyday life. We all make them, and they are fundamental to any business’s operations. Our payments team is one of the most experienced legal teams working in this industry and is recognised by legal directories and commentators as market-leading. We advise clients who interact...


Our team helps domestic and international clients get their products to customers in an efficient, cost-effective and compliant manner. We work with them to set up new routes to market, which may involve establishing or restructuring international distribution networks or cross-border agency relationships, advising on internet retailing operations, franchise agreements...
Bringing out the best in people

The working world has changed. We've changed with it, by evolving flexible and imaginative approaches to everyone's work/life needs.