Laura takes a practical and pragmatic approach, identifying solutions to deliver clients' priority outcomes.

Laura has extensive experience in the healthcare and transport sectors, acting for central government, regulators and private companies.

As a public law specialist, Laura's practice also includes advising those affected by prospective changes in legislation on implications of those changes and engagement with decision makers. Laura has experience of drafting both statutory instruments and amendments to primary legislation and associated Parliamentary processes.

Laura qualified as a solicitor in 2012 and has been at Osborne Clarke since March 2022. Laura is a member of the Procurement Lawyers Association.

University of Bristol

Advising the University on its £multi-million procurement of a Modern Network to deliver its ambitious Digital Strategy. 

Office of Rail and Road

Advising the Office of Rail and Road on its procurement of a rail ombudsman service provider.

Major tech client

Advising on a range of bids to public sector bodies including advising on appropriate conflict of interest measures in relation to a large scale and complex procurement.

Developer clients

Regularly supports developer clients on regeneration schemes in relation to procurement obligations arising from partnerships with public sector bodies.