Joanne Zaaijer

Joanne is Partner in het Tech, Media & Commercial team en is gespecialiseerd in het Privacyrecht, Telecommunicatierecht en e-Commerce recht.
Joanne adviseert cliënten over diverse onderwerpen, waaronder internationale doorgiften van persoonsgegevens, de implementatie van privacybeleid, dataretentie en gegevensbeveiliging, direct marketing, profilering, reclame en e-commerce compliance. Daarnaast adviseert zij regelmatig over telecom-gerelateerde wet- en regelgeving. Joanne ondersteunt cliënten ook tijdens handhavingstrajecten door toezichthouders, tijdens procedures, bij AVG compliance projecten en audits en bij de afhandeling van datalekken.
Tot haar cliënten behoren grote multinationals in diverse sectoren, waaronder (internationale) e-commerce-, media- en techbedrijven, financiële instellingen, telecombedrijven, retailbedrijven en bedrijven in de gezondheidssector.
Joanne Zaaijer is very knowledgeable and stands out for her practical and solution-oriented approach, ensuring that clients receive not only sound legal advice but also actionable recommendations that align with their business objectives. Joanne maintains composure in high-pressure situations and is friendly and approachable, making it easy for clients to communicate their concerns and questions.
Joanne is lid van onder meer de Vereniging voor Privacyrecht Advocaten (VPR-A), de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Informatietechnologie en Recht (NVvIR) en de Internationale Vereniging voor Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
I would like to express my appreciation for the exceptional work Joanne Zaaijer have consistently delivered during our professional collaborations. Her standout qualities have made a lasting impression on me. Her profound understanding of the data protection & privacy law is truly remarkable. Her ability to navigate complex legal issues with precision and her talent for addressing complex case details have not only impressed me but also played a crucial role in achieving successful outcomes for our clients. Joanne’s unwavering commitment to the best interests of her clients is also truly commendable. She approaches each case with a genuine passion, ensuring that the clients’ needs are met comprehensively.