Regulatory and compliance

Our regulatory group has over 40 lawyers working across legal disciplines and industry sectors. We don’t just tell you about risks to your business that exist from regulation, we work with you to manage them in a commercial way that works for your business, often helping you develop the right relationships with regulators, too. We are here to help decipher the hard and soft law that regulates business and all the individuals working in it, conduct compliance reviews, run bespoke crisis simulation exercises, and devise international training and e-learning programmes.

Of course, even when a business has focused diligently on compliance and best practice, things can go wrong. We have a great deal of experience in putting together crisis management plans when incidents do occur, plus a range of follow-up actions, including resolving underlying issues to minimise future risk, interacting with regulators, considering self-reporting, dealing with any enforcement and prosecutions, and conducting any follow-up litigation. Above all, our experts will support you to meet your obligations and work with regulators in an efficient and commercial way while protecting your interests.

Article list

CRD6: wat gaat er veranderen?
Het heeft even geduurd, maar het is zover: het nieuwe wetgevingspakket voor banken is op 9 juli 2024 in werking...
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