Osborne Clarke with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi providing specialised legal services in the area of public law

Published on 30th March 2020

At the end of a public tender procedure involving 8 leading law firms, Osborne Clarke has been appointed to provide specialist legal advice of issues of public law in favour of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi and the in-house companies in which it is a shareholder.

The appointment, for an initial period of one year and subject to possible renewal for a further 12 months, relates to a variety of public law matters, including the award of public contracts, the rules applicable to in-house companies, relations between public entities and the companies in which they hold a participation or between public bodies and organisms subject to public law, as well as the rules on the limitation of public spending, administrative transparency and anticorruption regulations.


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