International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE on its investment in Beko KäuferPortal GmbH. ProSiebenSat.1 and US tech investor General Atlantic will each acquire a 42 per cent stake in the company. The transaction is subject to approval by the regulatory authorities.

KäuferPortal, a market leading online portal in Germany, connects customers with a vendor network for consulting-intensive products and services, such as kitchens, solar panels, pensions or real estate brokers. KäuferPortal helps consumers obtain and compare offers from regional companies before making a major purchase. The company receives more than 1.2 million customer requests per year.

ProSiebenSat.1 Group bundles its strategic equity investments in the e-commerce business consolidated in the company 7Commerce. The portfolio already includes leading brands such as Flaconi, Amorelie, Valmano, Verivox and

An Osborne Clarke team led by IT Partner Konstantin Ewald advised ProSiebenSat.1 on all IT, IP commercial and distribution law related aspects as well as in the area of e-commerce. The team included Tim Maiorino, Felix Hilgert, Adrian Schneider (all IT law), Dr Marc Störing (Data protection), Stephan Bahner (Trademark law), Jan Hellenbrand (Unfair competition law), Dr Sebastian Hack (Competition law) und Janos Mahlo (Real Estate law).

Osborne Clarke advises ProSiebenSat.1 group on a regular basis, most recently on the merger of its subsidiary Aeria Games with Gamigo AG.

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