International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Progressive Digital Media Group plc (which is now named GlobalData plc) on its purchase of the international GlobalData group for a consideration of £66.5 million, a transaction involving its majority shareholder. In connection with the acquisition, Osborne Clarke also advised on a series of connected transactions (including a corporate re-organisation and the related disposal of Progressive Digital Media Group plc’s print business for £4.5 million).

The purchase and disposal agreements completed on 25 January 2016.

GlobalData plc is an AIM listed media company, providing healthcare business information, research services and marketing solutions through a content-driven approach based on subscription products, online panels and websites. Ben Goodburn led the transaction team internally for GlobalData plc as its General Counsel.

Corporate Partner Conrad Davies led the deal, along with fellow corporate Partner Jonathan King. They were assisted by corporate Associate Director Sarah Knight, and Associate Alice Naylor. Advice on tax matters was provided by Partner Michael Bell and on banking by Partner Akmal Ghauri and Associate Kate McKay. N+1 Singer acted as the nominated adviser and broker for Progressive Digital Media Group plc and Bates Wells Braithwaite LLP acted for the sellers of the GlobalData group.

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