International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Growth Capital Partners (GCP), the UK SME private equity firm that specialises in partnering with owner-managers, on a minority investment in GTS Flexible Materials (GTS), the tenth investment in its Fund IV.

GCP’s investment will support GTS’ ambitious growth plans, in particular taking advantage of the exciting growth trends in the electric vehicle market where the technical capabilities of its products are particularly suited to battery manufacture.  Other growth applications include renewable energy and power generation markets.

GTS is a specialist manufacturer of technically differentiated adhesives, flexible laminates and insulation materials which are found in a range of end applications and global markets including automotive, renewable energy and transportation.  GTS has over 50 years of know-how and technical expertise, working closely with customers to provide solutions that can perform in demanding manufacturing processes and harsh end environments.

From its manufacturing facilities in South Wales, GTS has delivered strong growth and impressive profitability, expanding its relationships with key clients across Europe and Asia supported by sales offices in Germany and France alongside established distribution and direct sales to customers in China.

The Osborne Clarke team was led by Partner Al Livingstone with support from Associate Director James Taylor, Associate Director Chris Yeo and Associate Hannah Stevens (all Corporate), in addition to Associate Directors Victoria Dingle (Banking), James Hamon (Tax) and Laura Allum (Incentives).

GCP is a valued client of Osborne Clarke and the team has previously acted for the private equity firm on a number of its other investments, most recently on its investment in CubeLogic in June 2020.

Osborne Clarke’s Corporate team is considered the go-to practice for many businesses. The team advises at every stage of company development across all corporate areas, from equity and debt fundraising to M&A, IPOs and JVs.


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